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Arranging a Funeral: Checklist

This useful checklist has been created by our team to help you manage the major decisions that need to be made at your own pace.

This checklist is designed to help guide you through the key decisions at your own pace, ensuring everything is arranged according to your wishes. Our team is here to support you with any aspect of planning, offering advice and guidance whenever you need it. Whether you’re unsure about certain details or need help coordinating logistics, we’re only a phone call or email away.

For personalised assistance, please contact us on 01403 456287 or email mail@freemanbrothers.co.uk. We’re here to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Checklist for Arranging the Funeral:

Burial or Cremation?

  • Where should the burial or cremation take place?
  • If burial, is this in a new or existing grave?
  • If a new grave, is it to be prepared to single or double depth?
  • If existing, who is buried in the grave already and when did they die? Is there a headstone on the plot?

Where should we have the service?

  • At the place of burial or cremation, or somewhere else?

Who do we want to take the service?

What commitments do we have that might affect when the funeral can be?

What music and readings do we want in the service?

  • What else might we like it to contain?


  • Do we want a hearse for the coffin? Or something else?
  • Do we want limousine(s) to take us to the service?

Does anyone want to visit the Chapel of Rest?

What would we like the person who has died to wear?

  • Do we have any particular effects we would like to be placed with them?

Would we like embalming to take place?

What coffin would we like to choose?

Flowers or donations?

  • Do we want flowers for the funeral?
  • If not, do we want to decorate the coffin with something else?
  • What charities do we want for donations?

Do we want Orders of Service or a Condolence book?

Do we want to put notices in newspapers?

Do we wish to follow the hearse or meet it at the venue?

What is to happen to the ashes (if a cremation)?

Do we need to start arranging memorial work?

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